quarta-feira, agosto 09, 2006

- original soundtrack -

Like a dog lying in a corner
they will bite and never warn you
Look out
they'll tear your insides out
[something muffled underneath, maybe: I'm sorry,
Mr Dalton, there's no need to be concerned]
`cos everybody hates a tourist
especially one who thinks it's
all such a laugh
yeah and the chip stain's grease will come out in the bath
You will never understand
how it feels to live your life
with no meaning or control
and with nowhere else to go
You are amazed that they exist
and they burn so bright whilst you can only wonder why

Rent a flat above a shopcut your hair and get a job
Smoke some fags and play some pool
pretend you never went to school
But still you'll never get it right
`cos when you're laid in bed at night
watching roaches climb the wall
if you called your Dad he could stop it all
You'll never live like common people
you'll never do what common people do
you'll never fail like common people
you'll never watch your life slide out of view
and dance, and drink, and screw
because there's nothing else to do

(Commom People, Pulp)


Anonymous Anónimo said...

música certa na hora certa :)

10/8/06 2:20 da tarde  
Blogger AM said...

uma das obras primas dos 90's

10/8/06 5:51 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

j'adore, j'adore, j'adore

11/8/06 2:23 da manhã  
Blogger Belogue said...

vai tudo na mesma. não mudo nada à mensagem que te enviei.

visto o seu blog com alguma frequência. Não comento porque... olhe, não sei. Não costumo comentar. Gostei de ver o Belogue na lista do "edit me", do lado direito. Só não sei se sou merecedora dessa menção.

leva-me daqui.

11/8/06 4:36 da tarde  

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